A life coach to turn your life around

We as humans, often find comfort in the wisdom and intellect of others. We also impart our side of the knowledge whenever possible. This is just saying that man is a social animal. We thrive by sharing our knowledge and solving problems collaboratively. As such, I tend to believe no matter how old someone is, there is always comfort to be had when there is someone to shine light on the way ahead.

As kids, we mostly look up to our elders to solve our problems and for guidance in general. Teachers and mentors fall into this mold easily. As one grows up, it is natural to seek this kind of mentorship in other people that you meet. Even if not actively seeking help, some sort of guidance is always welcome for most. It is this need that life coaches or mindshift coaches aim to fill these days.

A good life coach would be to someone what a good teacher would be to a small child - someone who clears the doubts in their mind and leads the way forward - someone who can answer your questions and mould you into a self-reliant person that you aspire to be. There are quite a lot of these life coaches around these days. In of those moments of self-doubt and despair, I did my own search and found an excellent life coach in the form of Rohini Mundra.

Rohini Mundra is a speaker,  mindshift coach and entrepreneur, and also the co-founder of 7 Intelligence Pvt. Ltd. 7 Intelligence is global provider of self paced training solutions to educational institutions, corporate houses and individuals. Having started her career in the banking sector, she gradually moved on to become a mindshift coach, coaching and training people in various aspects like business, money, and relationships. She is the youngest Indian to be conferred with Level IV certification - which is but one of the many achievement that she has had in the brief period of her career as a mindshift coach.

To be honest, I was a little skeptical about attending her sessions, partly because I had not attended a programme like this before, and also because I felt a little insecure opening up about my problems to a complete stranger. Which is why I decided to attend the free sessions first - to get a taste of what lay ahead. This session by Rohini Mundra was nothing like I expected, and no, this is not a complaint. It would be an understatement if I said the program was outstanding. It completely swept me off my feet and cleared any doubts I had regarding this program and its usefulness.

Rohini Mundra’s passionate disposition and her eagerness to help us solve our problems was exemplary. She does exceptionally well as a mindshift coach with her business acumen being a value add to ideators and entrepreneurs who attend her sessions. With an impeccable oratory style and a overwhelmingly positive vibe, I can confidently say that Rohini Mundra is a master life coach and my only complaint would be that the sessions ended too soon!


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